Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thought I was ahead with this

but Im actually behind.  So to start to catch up....
I like this guy's work.  Found him while looking at the faculty at Queens College I think.
Jim Lee
Its inspiring, some of the forms he finds, as well as the materials he uses... Its tough though work like this can end up being so much about a particular aesthetic, and Im trying to figure out if that is ok.  I think its kind of bad because it is easy to make worn out old stuff look good when its hung on a wall... or I think so at least. 

So I have some pictures of recent stuff...  A few things are done, but some of it is still moving around.  It feels like more and more work gets broken down and reassembled into other work.

First up is a sculpture for the Chance show, part of a collaboration with Rory Rosenberg all about Chance the white American Bulldog from Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey: 

 The rock was replaced with a porcelain dog sculpture I got at an antique store.
I finished 3 paintings recently:

 Random stuff moving around:

 The bent cardboard was like a mini Richard Serra, so I thought it would be dumb to have little people looking at it.

Saw the Blinky Palermo show at The Hessel Museum and CCS Galleries at Bard College.  It was a really good show, I can complain about the lighting because it was all natural and very dim, but I also dont have the best eyesight to begin with.  Ill definitely be thinking about this show for a while. 

Trying to get to the city soon to see some work, I really want to see the Joanne Greenbaum show at D'Amelio Terras and the Michael Krebber show at Green Naftali  (whose site is not liked by my computer so I cant get a link) 

I have been looking at grad schools on the US News ranked list, which I dont really trust because I think its based a lot on how much money the school has and how many kids leave with jobs, but it is a good way to find "top schools" and see the faculty at them.  I think Im going to wait to go to grad school though, probably a year.  I just want to see how it is to make work outside of school for a while, and free myself for a little bit, travel, hopefully see the country.

Anyway so that was a lot.  My goals for this week are to finish some work for my crit in painting class on tuesday, finish a sculpture for crit on wednesday and thats pretty much it.  I might try to apply for a few shows that are coming up too, even though Im broke.

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